Thursday, May 08, 2008

Run Down the List

King Ralph, our resident "stoner", has a kidney stone. His CAT scan showed it is 2/3of the way down. The doctor's prescription was to drink lots of beer. How cool is that, prescribed drinking to increase urination. Gotta love that doc!

D was tossed to the rains for a ride on the bus. A girl has to know when it is worth burning her $3.70 a gallon gas--this rain is not worth fighting the carpool lane, wasting precious fuel, and keeping my kid dry. You know when I was a kid...

M is in a dither over needing a piece of white poster board. I have no cash this morning so I counted out quarters.

I have grown weary of packing school lunches. I have nothing to offer but a sandwich this I scrounged some more quarters for that lame vending machine at the high school. It was not received with fan fare. I refrained from my tale of when I was in high school I lunched for .30 each day; a watery orange drink and a Little Debbie oatmeal pie.

My sister remains hospitalized. We talked this morning. She sounds a little-- I stress the word little-- better. Hopefully she'll be home by Sunday.

The best of all is...last night I survived another, my last, extremely long speech filled Symphonic/Concert Band banquet.