Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Everything M

Bet there are folks who are thinking, does Keeper have any other kids besides M.  I know, I know my posts these days seem to be focused on M, but that is only because this is her year. Princess A had her blog post year to hog type...that comes with being a high school senior.  D's is coming.

I forgot to take the time to toot President M's horn about her (and the DECA gal pals) first place finish in the mock competitions at the DECA Leadership Convention last week.  I believe the text I received with a photo of the first place medal said "another win for Madison".  Followed by her creative Facebook status that said "Respeca the DECA".  I love it when kids find their passions, find something that connects them to their school, giving them ownership and pride.  DECA is one of those things for M.   If I don't say so myself, a medal is a nice accessories to the business dress.

(aren't these girls all gorgeous?!)

So are you wondering what did M and I did today?  We made a college visit.  By way of road kill avenue.  At least that is what we renamed Highway 44.  There is a certain love that fills when being forced to add to the mutilation of a ground up deer carcass.  Uck!  About 50 carcasses later we made our way to the campus of Missouri State University.  It was perfect weather for a campus stroll.  Our best find was as soon as we stepped foot on the campus... who did who spot, who turned his bike around to chat with us...the one and only (short lived) boyfriend M had.  As he rode off I looked at M and said "I really did like him, I just never trusted him."  Then we laughed.  After the tour we made an impromptu visit to an old color guard friend.  Unplanned is the best way to see how college kids really live in those dorm rooms, eeek! What a mess!  I almost wanted to kick in my mom gene and clean that darn suite.  By the time we got in the car to head home it was decided this university has made its way to the top of the list...we have the Bear wear from the bookstore to prove it. 

Still the Senior Night info card portion of future plans will still read: undecided.

My info card will read: getting poorer!                


ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

You had to run over already run over deer? Or you contributed to the dear carcass population? Either way....NASTY!!! And who's job is it anyway to clean THAT up? Oh, the horror!!

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Oh, and did they ever find the 2nd grader practicing his poopmanship in the bathroom? hehe! Your comment today CRACKED ME UP!! I swear, I was NOT like that as a kid!! :)

JODI said...

Nellie- I just added to the turning of the deer tenderloin into filet mignon steaks. Or maybe I just helped skin that tenderloin, it was still furry. Either way if the dam semi-truck would have been going 30 miles faster I would have changed lanes and avoided.

I saw an interrogation of suspects in the hallway. Not sure if "painter" was caught. hehehe

Lin said...

What scares me about Road Kill Avenue is that your kid might be driving that home to see you. EEEEK! Is there a train she can take instead???

That year of college visits is tough! I was excited and nauseous at the same time. Do you think we will ever have money again??

JODI said...

Lin- We travel that Hwy often as Kevin's father lives very close to the university...that is the worse I have ever seen. Animals gone wild!

Remember I am no virgin to this college thing. All we can do is love our kids and hope the best. I do not believe I will ever have money again. Actually I think I could use a second job lol.