Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So there we are eating a family dinner of take out Steak-n-Shake--chili and fries and double steak burgers and Coca~Cola...when all of a sudden M rips out a belch of mammoth proportion...we all turned our heads. Of course being a mom, I said "e-x-c-u-s-e m-e"! To which M replies "I couldn't help it, you know, coke. It does that to me". To which the dad says, "would you do that in front of a boy you were on a date with"? Now M being the quick wit she is says,"how long have I known this boy"?

We tried to hold straight faces but that response made it difficult, laughter rolled across the dinner table.

We then ran through a myriad of options--long time, "you bet I would"...first date, "probably not, unless he was a horrible date and I was looking for a way to rid myself of the guy"......

So there you have it, a real lady--she's my offspring.