Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday

What does Fat Tuesday mean to this Lutheran mom with a daughter in confirmation class-- it means pancakes! The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner.

A whole lot of pancakes. And sausage links-- 300 hundred links.

And not the kind of pancakes we order and sit down in a booth at the Ihop to enjoy. No, it means going to church armed with an electric griddle while a confirmation class of 7th and 8th grade boys and girls mix batter and flip those flapjacks. What's your flavor--blueberry, chocolate chip, maybe plain? Well we served them all. How 'bout some homemade strawberry sauce and a big squirt of whipping cream on top of that half cup of maple syrup and two tablespoons of butter blanketing those flap jacks dusted with powder sugar?

In other words, if you were in the business of having a diabetic coma-- the Lutheran kids had the resources to serve it up.

If the pancakes weren't enough to get me crazy...we had dad's (King Ralph) washing dishes till there fingers shriveled up like raisins. You know they say there is nothing sexier than a man doing dishes. (Oh my gosh King Ralph never looked so sexy in all his life... hold me back ladies.)

I think I need to sleep all this sugar off and wake to 40 days of sacrifice.

I've decided to give up brussel sprouts.