Wednesday, June 20, 2007

John Denver Sing to Us... I popped in his CD and he sang, Rocky Mountain High. Good gosh only I would have a John Denver CD. But it was a rather fitting song as we drove back to the camper after an afternoon of hiking in the mountains. I enjoyed the Rocky Mountain National Park hiking best of all. The nature that surrounds is spectacular.

You may (or may not) want to know (but you're going to hear anyway) the campground we are at was once land purchased to use as a set for the filming of Bonanza and The Virginian. Turns out after only 3 episodes of Bonanza and a few Virginians filmed the creators of the series decided the weather was to unpredictable and closed up shop; and sold the land off. Also in the lodge there is a bar (from the old Winston Hotel in Denver) that Calamity Jane once tried to belly up however, being a girl they would not serve her so she shot the place up. There you have it, a little history lesson. This campground is nice! The bathroom smells like cleaning product --which after the "Fountain of Death"-- puts a smile so huge on my face. The pool is heated so the girls swam after the hike yesterday.

I will leave you with a few pics from our hike...


Anonymous said...

Well, it doesn't quite compare to a trip to France staying in hotel rooms, but I think your trip looks fantastic. You and Kaitlin will have to share stories. She is back home safe, sound and tired. Talk to your soon. Your favorite "outlaw"

Anonymous said...

Wish I was you- thanks for sharing your pictures. Jeff and I can't wait for the kids to be older so we can go back West and hike again. For now it's swim lessons at the highschool and Jeff and I fighting the kids for space in their splash pool. Happy hiking! Stacey

JODI said...

Favorite "Out-Law", I sit here gazing out at the Rockies under the moom light, sipping an apple martini...french wine by moonlight certainly would be better (I can hardly compete with Katie)--but this is suiting me quite fine...wish you all were here with us!

JODI said...

Stace, the days of fighting for space in the splash pool pass fast--savor them!