Friday, May 25, 2007

Calling my Lady Friends

I have had a bottle of Jose's beverage of choice chilling in my frig from when Julie and I planned to celebrate our favorite Mexican holiday--it is taking up precious milk space in the frig.

Since Julie and I have agreed we needed to turn Cinco de Mayo into Cinco de Julyo (the first time we will be in town at the same time),I need a little help drinking Jose's beverage of choice. Having no one in my house of age to help drain the bottle, here I sit sipping alone.

It is just past midnight, the beverage effects compounded with my already weary self has me crawling the floor to my bed with one eye shut. (Or is it one eye open?)

Lady friends, the weekend camping trip is canceled due to predicted heavy rains; so if you could drag your tails over here to partake in the emptying of the bottle I would much appreciate it!