Sunday, May 17, 2009

"Sometimes We Take It Out in Public. Not Often"

Keeper: Hey Jo it's been a while since we talked.

J: I know Keeper, I've been to busy to talk to myself.

Keeper: What's with the title of this blog entry?

J: Oh you can thank my niece for that, that is how she titled the picture album on her Facebook of our family fun, or as Uncle Dan called it in his Flip Video he sent out, dysfunctional family fun.

Keeper: so Jo where did you "take it out in public" to?

J: well Keeper we first had a family BBQ where we we pigged out and washed it all down with a couple bottles of wine. Then we got to talking bowling.

Keeper: Bowling?

J: Yes bowling.

Keeper: what does one talk when they talk bowling?

J: Well I told cousin about the time I bowled a nine.

Keeper: did you say nine?

J: Yes, nine, single digit score. I had three beers and I don't drink beer. So I blame it on the beer.

Keeper: Really, beer?

J: Yes and I am sticking to that story. It drew utter amazement from cousin because you see he is KingPin. He has a ring to prove it. Did you know if you bowl a perfect game, a 300, you get a ring--like KingPin? Anyway we decided we should all go bowling.

Keeper: Wow Keeper you have Santa and KingPin all in one family?

J: I guess I married well, hehehe. They are all inherited from King Ralph. I didn't bring much color or humor to the marriage just the dual alarm clock. Oh wait I have a picture of niece, M and KingPin at the Show Me Lanes last night.

Keeper: So did you pull another nine?

J: No I did not.

Keeper: Prove it.

J: Well I can. See. I bowled an 87 and I got a strike on the first frame to boot.

Keeper: Looks like King Ralph whipped your ass on the lanes.

J: Ya he did, but KingPin whipped his ass on the other lane.

Keeper: So what happens when you take it out in public?

J: We get all crazy. We go all high fiving each other from strikes and spares.

and modeling pretty bowling balls

Keeper: How long did this public display of DFF go on?

J: Till 10pm. By that time we all smelled like the bowling alley ash trays. And, King Ralph's tennis elbow started to act up.

Keeper: I think you and the cousins should take your love out in the public more often.

J: I think we are going to do that. Maybe form a family bowling league team.