Saturday, September 16, 2006

It was the first of many LHS Marching Band weekends to fill up our Fall calendar.

Alee and her friends enjoyed performing there competition routine "Images" for half-time show. Liz made it back from her varsity softball game in time to perform, in her ball uniform.

Saturday was the first competiton of the season, Belleville East Marching Invitational-- were the band can proudly say they not only took "best music" in the AAA division but they took first place in the division and were the Grand Champions of the competitions. Great way to start off the season! While the band took home three trophies I took home a farmer's tan on my arms and sun kissed cheeks (kissed bright red).

Maddi skipped the first band weekend, slumbering with friends Friday night and voluntering at the Siteman Cancer Research Center Tennis Ralley on Saturday.

Demi took in the football game Friday night but headed to the Forest Park Balloon Races with Uncle Brett on Saturday.

Thank God he designated Sunday as the day of rest because, the minute I get home from church tomorrow I am considering myself "out of the office". Posted by Picasa