Sunday, September 28, 2008

okay so I am blogging, finally

Here is the problem with my lack of blogging lately. I spend all my non-sleeping, non-working, non-chained to the wash machine, non-soliciting band parents to volunteer events hours in the high school "green room" making Roaring 20's hairstyles and pinning bra straps to red flapper dresses. These hands are so pin pricked and heavily coated with hair gel and hair spray that the fingers stick to the keyboard, posts would look like this asdfjkl;;lkjfddsa. Unless someone is the holder of the secret decoder ring my blogging would make no sense to anyone other than maybe-- a Vulcan.

So we had a "free" day today. It was decided that taking a drive across the state line to pick apples seemed like a sensible form of entertainment; for four people. Why not burn that $3.58 a gallon gas, stand in the blazing sun, fight crowds of people hovering three rows of golden delicious apples for-- 8 pounds of apples that I could have bought at the top of the street from a pleasantly air conditioned grocery store (by hoofing it to boot). But it seems like it was worth it after all.

Look at the pie D baked. Looks pretty good, huh?

I'll take mine ala' mode