Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tie Tuesday

I work in a business casual setting--skirts, simple dresses and dress pants for the ladies...slacks, collared shirts, sweaters for the men--just enough to look respectable. Except on Tuesday. Tuesday, is "Tie Tuesday." It's the one day of the week when the men break out their dress-for-success card. It's fun to see the men sporting ties of all different colors and patterns...sport teams and holiday promotion. I'm waiting for the students to join in on the fun. 

In the meantime I've been having a last couple of weeks that send me: 
1. Dreaming of after work cocktails 
2. Begging for a midday nap 
3. Contemplating stealing all those Tuesday ties 
 Personally I think this is a genius escape plan! Options are good. Just saying! 

1 comment:

Lin said...

Uh oh. The Natives have cabin fever???

Come to Chicago for the Camping Show next weekend. Come dream with us.