Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vote 2008

A few weekends ago when we all sat around discussing the presidental election it was suggested by someone that if you are voting for Obama to look carefully at who his running mate is. We all shook our heads knowing just the point that was being made.

Exactly what we all said was our fear for a "President" Obama was the headline on the morning news. Assassination threats. Plot. Whatever we want to call it.

Although I won't be casting my vote for Obama, I truly fear for the safety of not only him but his young family. Then I wonder where does this fear put America in the realm of safety?

Since I am a realist and knowing how most Americans think-- changing parties in control means a turn-a-round, an invigorated patriotism, an end to the Middle East conflict...in other words I think Americans will have to get use to this type of regular headline on the news.

I think I am sticking with my write in candidate--Paris Hilton.
God Bless America!