Sunday, October 13, 2019

They Had Me at Paris

They said “come with us to Paris for the weekend!” Paris? For the weekend? Why not! Live life with spontaneity we told ourselves. 

Visions of lattes sipped at sweet outdoor cafes, while noshing on croissants slathered in rich creamy French butter, and saying “merci” to the wait staff danced in my head. Scarves draped delicately around my neck in the fashion only a Parisian can do so effortlessly. Visiting museums full of history and art. The night ending with a glass of bold red French wine, staring out at the Eiffel Tower glowing under a full moon. Aaaahhhh, Paris. 

Well...wrong vision. 

Turns out M and her man needed clean acceptable accommodations for a wedding they were invited to in—Paris, MISSOURI. In all my years of living in Missouri I had never heard of Paris, Missouri. M claimed the only motel in town was a “roach motel” and could we please go camping with them so they could have five star accommodations. King Ralph’s soft spot for his daughter had the RV loaded and rolling down the highway on Friday by 3:45pm. 

The Paris of our weekend was mugs of Starbuck’s French roast coffee brewed in the Mr. Coffee pot sipped by a morning campfire, pancakes cooked on the Blackstone with tabs of Land O’Lake butter. There was definitely a scarf around my neck as the fall temperatures took a plummet. And...the best resemblance of an Eiffel Tower in Paris, Missouri was the water tower.

While not the Paris I first envisioned...this Paris was perfect. The company was good. There was the unexpected-came-upon  a Missouri Historical Site—the birth place and two-room cabin of Samuel Clemons aka “Mark Twain,” in Florida (Who knew you could trek to Florida in Missouri?). The cabin was moved and preserved inside the building which was resurrected around the cabin. Mark Twain’s life was interesting. I learned a lot...more than I thought I knew about him. We took in beautiful views of Mark Twain Lake on a few short walks. Our exploring time was limited as there was a wedding to ready for.
(giving literal meaning to “glamping”) 

King Ralph and I played country Uber drivers on Saturday night. Woke on Sunday with a lazy, but relaxing intent to the day before packing up to head home.

Just like that our weekend in Paris was over. 

Paris, jusqu'à ce qu'on se revoie.


1 comment:

Lin said...

How perfect to combine the camping with attending the wedding. You have a beautiful camper--probably better than most hotels!!

I am seriously envious.