Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week Review

This week I can't seem to catch my breath. Or keep my balance.

Sunday- When I thought the dove had delivered the olive branch I ventured out to the grocery store only to realize that Noah was sill out in my side yard building an arc as the rains continued to pour down. While the rain kept on coming down I too went the grocery store parking lot, in the cross walk, when my flip flops failed me and sent me dancing on the pavement in the fashion of a cartoon character, till my keister hit the black top so hard, and my shorts soaked to the skin. OUCH! Darn flip flops!!

Monday- I rose early and went for an invigorating walk on the long trail at Powder Valley. I love walking early in the morning when it is just me and nature. As the wind blew softly, rain drops perched upon leaves sprinkled my skin. I listened the birds sing. By the time I got home no one knew I ever left--teenage girls still slumbering soundly.

Alee and her Jewish boy (he still is a blog for another day) headed off for the Fan Fest in celebration of the All-Star Game.

Then it was doctor day. M and D needed physicals for high school. Since they are big girls now I am left in the waiting room alone to inhale the germs of small people. When I was invited in I got a new prescription for M's expired Epipen and forms to sign for D's dump truck full of inoculations, which guarantee her entrance into the high school, plus a prescription for a back x-ray. Scoliosis. I just looked at the doctor and said "I just don't have it in me to go down that road again"...a road I am still on, sadly. Turns out, thank the Lord, the curve is mild, to mild to have to bother with. Amen! Besides my baby girl is most likely fully grown. Yippee yahoo I am finally taller than one of my girls!

Here's my favorite part of the doctor day. While sitting in the waiting room of the imaging center this boy around ten or eleven walks out with his mom, he is walking fairly normal but with every step he moans out and ou, ooo, ou, ooo, each one louder than the one before. Then he walks back into the exam area. An older woman says I wonder what is wrong with him to which I comment probably nothing. With that the mom walks out gathers her other children in the waiting room when one asked what is wrong with him to which the mom replied nothing just bruised. Ha, I knew it. The mom in me can sense it. What I didn't know is that boys had it in them to produce such drama. I thought that was a role reserved to girls only.

Tuesday- Challenged the rain by heading to Six Flags on some $9.80 tickets from the radio station. By the time we walked in water park the rain stopped. We had a great time me, Princess A, D and King Ralph's niece. (M was busy with Color Guard and a Harry Potter party which preceded a midnight showing of the new Harry flick). While at Six Flags we rode every coaster. I love roller coasters! Except I got a taste of aging while on Mr. Freeze. As the coaster hung there at the end of the track before descending backwards I got so dizzy I saw blackness dancing around in my head. My brain was scrambled eggs. That was it I felt pukey for a long while after that ride; which I have ridden once before with no issues or cause for concern. We next rode Thunder River for a fully clothed baptism of theme park water. We rode with the four biggest women in the park who were the most obnoxious things ever. The one woman apparently lacked attention in her youth so she made herself a spectacle by screaming lots of "Oh Sh#*" and "my crack is wet, my bootie crack is wet", well hello you are on a water ride. While the girls got off nearly dry I was soaked--head to knee caps. They laughed at me instead of thanking me for taking on the heavy side of the ride. Next I made the girls ride the ever-so-exciting train so I could decompress and maybe catch a wind to dry my clothes. Once decompressed I rode a few more coaster before we departed for a dinner of Steak-n-Shake--in my still wet clothes.

Side note: I realized the reason I have not been to Six Flags in seven years. It is as gross now as it was then. I really truly am an amusement park snob. Give me Disney. Give me Busch Gardens. You can have Six Flags. (We did have fun though)

Wednesday- Since I started the week on a doctor day I figure we would see how many more hours devoted to good health we could fit in the week. To the dentist we went. Luckily the new dentist is across the street from my house so the girls were shuttled or shuffled home between appointments. I however took to the waiting from 1-3pm till it was my turn. Seven hundred dollars later and return visit for M to get a cavity filled tonight (which means the bill is going to inflate) we all have extra clean teeth. We all promise to floss--more.

Today- Between carpooling for Color Guard practice, doing a market research (I am tasting OJ for forty-five minutes for a payout of $40) and then back to Color Guard to pass out parade uniforms I just might need...a stiff drink? No a nap!

I didn't get the nap but I got a drink, a margarita, when we went out to dinner to celebrate King Ralph's birthday. I am shipping him off to the lake with Princess A for the weekend to celebrate.

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