Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Five minus Two Equals: Us and The Working Girl Who Lives In the Basement

M left last Saturday in a race against the forecast.  A weather pattern of--nothing! Mother Nature you like to tease! 

Tuesday I rushed home from work to pack the car, college is beckoning D. D must return before the student population is assigned to return, due to opera practice. It's like we are being cheated of five days of loving our baby (and her strew messes) while she crafts her skills and chases her dreams. 

As we cruised down the highway, Mother Nature gave her own send off...or was it a calming sign of great things to come in the second semester. 

Of course returning earlier than others means the nonexistence of cafeteria served meals.  Walmart (or "shit mart", affectionately nick named by Princess A, due to the neighboring cattle farm's wafting scent) enjoyed our added pump to the economy, as the cart filled with five days of meals.  

Then we lugged all D's stuff up three flights of stairs.  Oh, oh, wait. The joy of this early deposit to college means getting the BEST unloading spot without a wait or fight. King Ralph and I helped D reassemble the dorm room, vacuum, and tidy up her temporary home. But home and work was calling our names. We kissed our baby good-bye (me like fifty times on the cheek...kisses is multiplies last longer on the heart). Then D stood in the doorway and waved us out 
Then we peaced out. 

Till it's opera performance day. 

1 comment:

Lin said...

Oh, it's so sad when they have to return to school. :( At least you get to visit--mine is in Italy and too far for me to drive in for a hug.