Saturday, May 03, 2014

The Difference A Week Can Make...Not For The Good

Last week work was insane!  Well maybe not so much the work as the kids--weather and the impending end of a school year makes for a mixture of silliness, also known as unfortunate choices. 

That's when you take to your favorite watering hole for wings and wine...or buckets of beer, with the girls and the spousal units--lotta wine, and lotta beers--alfresco.  It is observed how most of us pull out our reading glasses to scan the menu and to help each other add new apps to our phones.  We then wondered when the time will come that we will begin talking about our failed digestive systems.  Laughter ensues.    
 We toast to surviving a week in public education. Great friends. Good times. Good Friday night!
Then Monday night comes around, I start feeling like crap.  Tuesday I feel like total crap. Wednesday I feel like absolute crap and bond a new friendship at my desk with Ms. Kleenex and Mr. Sore Throat Lozenges just to make it till 3:30pm.  Which turns out was a fail because I bolted at 3pm for a nap at home.
Thursday was a repeat of Wednesday and Friday...$75 of get well pharmaceuticals. (not to mention the usual lecture from the doctor about how people with asthma die.)
 I stopped and got a half price Starbucks Frappuccino on my way home from work (yes, it's true, after I got this drug store of goods I went back to my desk to finish out the day) and took to the peace pipe.

King Ralph picked up a pill bottle, read the label, looked at me and said "aaaahhhh steroids. Glad I'm going fishing."  Meanie! 
Let the truth be told the only reasons I even fancied the idea of a doctor visit was
A. I couldn't breathe this morning and had to jack myself up on every inhaler I could find in my bathroom drawer and
B. D has an opera scenes performance at SEMO on Sunday afternoon that I wouldn't miss hearing her voice for all the tea in China.
So here's hoping 48 hours can turn this Friday into feeling like last Friday!