Saturday, April 12, 2014

Break Time Flashback (or the blog I forgot to post)

Spring break is in full swing.  Our little castle has a revolving door. Just as one kid comes home for spring break, the other one leaves to return to school.  Sisters passing in the night.

We started M's break with a night out for Mexican...where we drank and laughed equally--while gorging on chips and salsa.

The next day it was D's sorority mom's day while M was home, all the Avery girls (you know it is the trifecta of the double sisterhood so why not have all the sisters together) loaded in the car.  I took to the back seat of my own car, let Princess A drive, M ride shot gun and I was Miss Daisy for the day, and headed to D's college town.

We went to the worst winery!  I couldn't refrain as I sampled the reds, from letting the word "horrid" whisper out of my mouth.  We settled on the only drinkable wine--a rather sweet white.  The more we drank the more we regretted paying $17 for something that was more of a $6 bottle.  Anytime someone tries to create a label by blending their cat's picture with Van Gough's Starry Night you know it's not gonna be good!

  As usual we made the best of it--sisters together
   After the winery we all went back to D's room where the silliness continued

While D has no plans except to lay on the couch, watch TV, have hourly feedings, and take a voice lesson.  M kept herself quite busy.  M was busy working on her practicum, and was lucky to return to the place that sparked her interest in both business and education: her Alma Mater.

It wasn't that long ago that M and her favorite teacher looked like this. Rocking twin day with there matching curly hair, breast cancer awareness shirts and animal print shoes.  Teacher and student.
Flash forward a few years and they look like this--mentor and wanna-be-teacher.  
They sport different hair styles and glasses, both with a shared passion for business education.

Then M took to the front of the classroom and taught the students about investing early.

When the two weeks were all said and done, we all return to school.  To which I say-- let the count down to the end begin!