Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer 2012 Trip Kick Off

What the hell!? Why am I awake whipping up a pot of chili and Bandanna style baked beans at 6am?  Aaahhh yes, we are hitting the road tomorrow (before the sun rises) with our house on wheels in tow.

I have wanted, needed this break for a long time coming!  The kind of break that allows me to take in a huge breath of air and exhale slowly with a sigh of relief and time to refocus--come back into one's self again. Looking forward to laughing together. Because that is what we do best.  Singing as we drive down the highway.  Even though our car choir has shrunk by one....

SHRUNK BY ONE you ask?

It was and wasn't a hard decision to plan a trip minus one of the offspring- D. We had originally planned on waiting till D returned from Germany to have a family vacation.  Things just started to get complicated...Princess A at 22 yrs old needs her tonsils taken out.  Anyway after a little chatting we decided to go without D and not feel a bit guilty--SHE'S IN GERMANY FOR GOODNESS SAKE.  So when ever we start to think we left her out we will just remind ourselves were she is and we aren't. And, we will miss her!

Here I am this morning cooking and dancing around the house singing my age old packing song, Beyonce's song everything you own in the box to the left as the bath towels, pots and pans, hiking shoes...hell everything we own heads out the door to the box on the left otherwise known as-- the camper.   

The big stop this year will be New Mexico.  We have been diligently watching the news, checking and calling to make sure the forest fires and smoke alerts have not drifted up state as far north to our summer respite. So far, so good.

So stay tuned to see where we stop in our quest to our final destination.  As always we will have some our classic roadside America stops mapped out.  Because what is a family vacation without seeing the world's largest ball of string?

Now if you'll excuse me I have packing (and singing) to do
To the left, to the left
To the left, to the left
To the left, to the left
Everything you own in the box to the left
In the closest, that's my stuff (did I mention the closest is small but we can really pack that puppy good for five, well four)
Yes, if I bought then please don't touch


Lin said...

Oooh, have a GREAT time!!

The kids are starting to get to that age that we aren't all gonna get to go together much anymore. I think mine are still in for this summer, but I don't take it for granted. And although I will miss them, I don't want them to feel bad about that--my mom made it hell for me at that age.

I hope you will be taking lots of photos and maybe posting here and there.

I'm glad you are back, Jodi. I know you have had a rough year, but we can't let our daily have-tos stifle us. I'm working on it too. Back to FUN,I say!

Have a good trip!

Lin said...

When is that party train coming to Chicago?? Any time this summer?

JODI said...

Lin- Our girls will keep going on vacation with us for as long as we offer to foot the bill, lol.

I will be in Chicago sometime over the summer. I promise to let you know when.

Lin said...

YEA!!! It would be fun to meet up with you for lunch or something. :)