Monday, November 09, 2009

Mr. Hayes Has Been Calling Me "Judy Iron Lung" For A Good Reason

The doctor's orders were "if you aren't feeling better by Monday make an appointment to come into the office." So after I coughed so hard and long last night--and into the early morning-- kicking myself out of the marital bed for the couch...that I passed hacking up my lung and went deep to my liver (that's how hard and low I was pulling that cough); it was time to call the doc and use some of my accumulated sick hours.

There was nothing more difficult for me than to hold my cough back in the waiting room. I felt I should out of respect for the twenty-something guy sitting across from me. My cough grabs stares and sends folks running. I fashioned my coughs in this closed-mouth-soft-throat-encapsulated-manner. So by the time I got into my closed door closest of an examination room I let the seal in me bark and bark and bark.... I even think the doctor's assistant went for the fish in her pocket to toss at me. I'm like a zoo animal when I open my mouth.

What has made me so sick? Could it be....
1. watching Kate: Her Story
2. watching the Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman interview on Entertainment Tonight
3. mooching Milky Ways from third graders
4. working with kids who come to school riddled with fever and have the pig flu
5. extended marching band season
6. Joe Jackson requesting a stipend from his son's estate
7. the constant flux in the outside temperature and a month of rainy days...and nights.

Well, whatever the reason I heard the doctor say things to me today like, "this is how people die from asthma" and "it could be whopping cough but that takes a month for the tests results to come back and the CDC goes crazy over stuff like that." I just looked back at the doc with her facial expession of girlfriend you have felt bad for a month and just decided to do something about in the last four days. I was there, now, seeking medical intervention; so what good was a scolding a gal with a O2 level of 81. She scraped everything I was given Friday over the phone except the last pill in my Z-Pac and I left with enough steroid based drugs to guarantee I will turn into Lou Ferrigno by next week. Plus I have narcotics so I can sleep without the threat of King Ralph shipping me off to the zoo.

Hopefully by Wednesday I can go back to work fever free with my ear and sinus infection pain lulled, my constant head ache calmed, my lymph nodes returning to there normal size, air moving through my lungs easier and the dam seal living inside quieted.

Besides it is boring laying on this couch! With eight hundred channels to chose from I can't seem to find a darn thing to watch at 2am.

So honey hold off on buying my burial plot I think I might survive this one.


Lin said...

Well, Judy, I'm hoping you are feeling better soon! You sound awful!

So, I'm curious, what exactly is Kate's story?? I personally think she's getting a bad rap and John has always been the passive aggressive one all along. Nobody saw it but me since episode 1.

JODI said...

Lin I'm feeling better, well not better but better. If you know what I mean. The steriods are battling with the codine...the steroids are winning--I coudn't sleep all night, didn't cough but couldn't sleep. Now I can't stay awake.

Kate displayed herself like a classic soap opera actress/media whore. I fell into watching it since I am not a follower of the reality show (maybe watched 2 episodes) and I could have seen that one hour circus on Entertainment Tonight. Same ole' same ole'. She and Jon need to return to regular life, with "real" people job and stiff it out like the rest of the world.

thehappyhunt said...

wow--you are a sick gal. hope that all the drugs do their tricks on you soon so you can be back to your old self! Get well!! :)

JODI said...

You know Lisa the only bad part of this illness is watching the laundry pile up and not having the care to do anything about it.